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LWPT Meditations - Day of Pentecost - Year C
LWPT Meditations - Day of Pentecost - Year C
by Susan Thorne
19 May 2013 LWPT Meditation Pentecost Acts 2:1-21 Psalm 104:24-34,35b Romans 8:14-17 John 14:8-17 I grew up in a church that referred to the Holy Spirit as “it”, and eventually I became a member of a cult that reinforced that understanding. What they called “holy spirit” was just
Hymn: Simultaneous translation
Hymn: Simultaneous translation
by Andrew Pratt
Simultaneous translation, Parthians, Medes, and Elamites, all the world, it seemed, was listening, here the Spirit cheers, unites. Awe and wonder stunned the people, something new had come to birth, now the Holy Spirit, flaming, spread God's grace across the earth. Verse 3 follow
The Day of Pentecost
The Day of Pentecost
by Dave Hopwood
The Day of Pentecost (Short Sketch) The disciples returned to the city, back to the room where they had been hiding. They stayed together, talking, praying, debating – and most of all – waiting for the next move. It came on the feast of Pentecost, seven weeks after Jesus had rise
Refining Spirit, Flame From Love's Pure Fire